IEC: 61000-4-9 (Ed-1.1) - 2001 - 03 CSV ; electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4-9 : testing and measurement techniques-pulse magnetic field immunity test
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC: 61000-4-9 (Ed-1.1) - 2001 - 03 CSV ; electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4-9 : testing and measurement techniques-pulse magnetic field immunity test - Geneva IEC 2001 - 59 - 0
downloaded from IEC website
IEC: 61000-4-9 (Ed-1.1) - 2001 - 03 CSV ; electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - part 4-9 : testing and measurement techniques-pulse magnetic field immunity test - Geneva IEC 2001 - 59 - 0
downloaded from IEC website