IEC: 61241-2-3, Ed.1-1994; Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust- Part 2: Testmethods- Section 2: Method for determining minimum ignition energy of Dust/Air mixtures.
IEC: 61241-2-3, Ed.1-1994; Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust- Part 2: Testmethods- Section 2: Method for determining minimum ignition energy of Dust/Air mixtures. - 1st - Geneva IEC 1994 - 38
IEC: 61241-2-3, Ed.1-1994; Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust- Part 2: Testmethods- Section 2: Method for determining minimum ignition energy of Dust/Air mixtures. - 1st - Geneva IEC 1994 - 38