IEC: 60695-10-2,Ed.1.1-2001; Guidance and Test Mehtods for the Minimization of the effects of Abnormal heat Electrotechnical Products Involved in Fires-Method for Testing Products made from Non-Metallic materials for resistance to heat using the ball pressure Tests; Fire hazard testing.
IEC: 60695-10-2,Ed.1.1-2001; Guidance and Test Mehtods for the Minimization of the effects of Abnormal heat Electrotechnical Products Involved in Fires-Method for Testing Products made from Non-Metallic materials for resistance to heat using the ball pressure Tests; Fire hazard testing. - 1st - Geneva International Electrotechnical commission 2001 - 23+5
IEC: 60695-10-2,Ed.1.1-2001; Guidance and Test Mehtods for the Minimization of the effects of Abnormal heat Electrotechnical Products Involved in Fires-Method for Testing Products made from Non-Metallic materials for resistance to heat using the ball pressure Tests; Fire hazard testing. - 1st - Geneva International Electrotechnical commission 2001 - 23+5