INCAL-91 Proceedings of the second international conference on Aluminium held at Bangalore from 31 to 2nd August 1991 Vol. II Aluminium strategies for the nineties and beyond
Dwarakadasa, K.S
INCAL-91 Proceedings of the second international conference on Aluminium held at Bangalore from 31 to 2nd August 1991 Vol. II Aluminium strategies for the nineties and beyond - Bangalore Aluminium Association of India 1991 - xxxii+419-955p
669.713(063)"90" / DWA,1.91
INCAL-91 Proceedings of the second international conference on Aluminium held at Bangalore from 31 to 2nd August 1991 Vol. II Aluminium strategies for the nineties and beyond - Bangalore Aluminium Association of India 1991 - xxxii+419-955p
669.713(063)"90" / DWA,1.91