Better ceramics through chemistry III Proceedings of the third Materials Research Society symposium held at Reno, Nevada from 5 to 8 April 1988
Brinker, C Jeffrey
Better ceramics through chemistry III Proceedings of the third Materials Research Society symposium held at Reno, Nevada from 5 to 8 April 1988 - Pennsylvania Materials research Society 1988 - xxii+847p - Materials research society symposia proceedings Vol. 121 .
666.3 / : 54 BRI.88
Better ceramics through chemistry III Proceedings of the third Materials Research Society symposium held at Reno, Nevada from 5 to 8 April 1988 - Pennsylvania Materials research Society 1988 - xxii+847p - Materials research society symposia proceedings Vol. 121 .
666.3 / : 54 BRI.88