Mechanical behaviour of materials Proceedings of the Third international conference held at Cambridge, England between <20=Twenty> to <24=Twentyfour> August <1979=One thousand nine hundred seventynine> Vol. <3=Three>
Miller, K.J
Mechanical behaviour of materials Proceedings of the Third international conference held at Cambridge, England between <20=Twenty> to <24=Twentyfour> August <1979=One thousand nine hundred seventynine> Vol. <3=Three> - Oxford Pergamon press 1980 - xxxiii+601+I-xiip
620.1 / : 531 MIL.80
Mechanical behaviour of materials Proceedings of the Third international conference held at Cambridge, England between <20=Twenty> to <24=Twentyfour> August <1979=One thousand nine hundred seventynine> Vol. <3=Three> - Oxford Pergamon press 1980 - xxxiii+601+I-xiip
620.1 / : 531 MIL.80