New Advances in Distributed computer systems - proceedings of the NATO Advanced study Institute held at Bonas, France from 15 to 26 June 1981
Beauchamp, Kenneth G., Ed.
New Advances in Distributed computer systems - proceedings of the NATO Advanced study Institute held at Bonas, France from 15 to 26 June 1981 - Dordrecht D. Reidel Publishing Co. 1982 - x+415p - NATO advanced study institute series C - Mathematical and physicaal sciences Vol. 80 .
681.3.01 / BEA.82
New Advances in Distributed computer systems - proceedings of the NATO Advanced study Institute held at Bonas, France from 15 to 26 June 1981 - Dordrecht D. Reidel Publishing Co. 1982 - x+415p - NATO advanced study institute series C - Mathematical and physicaal sciences Vol. 80 .
681.3.01 / BEA.82