Organic sulfur chemistry invited lectures presented at the <9=nine>th international symlposium held at Riga, USSR from <9=nine>th to <14=fourteen>th June <1980=one thousand nine hundred eighty>
Freidlina, R.Kh
Organic sulfur chemistry invited lectures presented at the <9=nine>th international symlposium held at Riga, USSR from <9=nine>th to <14=fourteen>th June <1980=one thousand nine hundred eighty> - Oxford Pergamon Press 1981 - vii+230p - Symposium series; International union of pure and applied chemistry organic chemistry division .
547 / : 546.22 FRE.81
Organic sulfur chemistry invited lectures presented at the <9=nine>th international symlposium held at Riga, USSR from <9=nine>th to <14=fourteen>th June <1980=one thousand nine hundred eighty> - Oxford Pergamon Press 1981 - vii+230p - Symposium series; International union of pure and applied chemistry organic chemistry division .
547 / : 546.22 FRE.81