Hydrogen energy system proceedings of the second World Hydrogen energy conference held at Zurich, Switzerland from <21=twentyone> to <24=twentyfour> August <1978=one thousand nine hundred seventyeight> Vol. <2=two>
Veziroglu, T. Nejat
Hydrogen energy system proceedings of the second World Hydrogen energy conference held at Zurich, Switzerland from <21=twentyone> to <24=twentyfour> August <1978=one thousand nine hundred seventyeight> Vol. <2=two> - Oxford Pergamon Press 1979 - xlvi+471 to 1028p - Advances in Hydrogen Energy <1=one> .
621.039.532.6 / VEZ,2.79
Hydrogen energy system proceedings of the second World Hydrogen energy conference held at Zurich, Switzerland from <21=twentyone> to <24=twentyfour> August <1978=one thousand nine hundred seventyeight> Vol. <2=two> - Oxford Pergamon Press 1979 - xlvi+471 to 1028p - Advances in Hydrogen Energy <1=one> .
621.039.532.6 / VEZ,2.79